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Monday, 21 September 2015

Coroner: 'Fit-for-work' cert. cued suicide

Placard designed by Dude Swheatie of Kwug

Coroner's ground-breaking verdict: Suicide triggered by 'fit-for-work' test —
Disability News Service
Disability News Service reports:

Coroner's ground breaking verdict: Suicide was 'triggered' by 'fit for work' test

A coroner has demanded that the government takes action to prevent future deaths of disability benefit claimants, after concluding in a "ground breaking" inquest that a disabled man killed himself as a direct result of being found "fit for work."

Continue reading on Disability News Service website

Thursday, 17 September 2015

KUWG demonstration Fri 18 Sept against Pinnacle People Workfare Pimps

Fri 18th Sep, 2-3pm Pinnacle People = Workfare Pimps Gather at Lynford Community Centre Hall, 74 Fernhead Road, W9 3EW near junction with Shirland Rd (tube: Queen’s Park). There will be sing-alongs as we will serenade both G4S & our dear leader Cameron… 

See also Brighton Benefits Campaign event on this
Placards designed by Ivy
"Finally, my injuries took off" With Pinnacle People - workfare | stealing | lives

"I climbed the peak of pointless" With Pinnacle People - workfare | stealing | lives
"Sky is the limit for sanctions" - workfare | stealing | lives

"I reached new heights of rubbish" - workfare | stealing | lives

Monday, 14 September 2015

KUWG Diary from Thursday 17 September 2015

Mostly based on info supplied by Ivy the Diary

Thurs 17th Sept, 3pm for 3:20pm start-5:30pm: KUWG weekly business meeting in Small Hall at Kingsgate Community Centre, 107 Kingsgate Road, NW6 2JH. Casework help available between about 3:20pm and 4pm and/or 5pm-5:20pm; if you want help with your case, please come prepared with relevant documents such as letters from DWP — that helps more than vague memory of letter contents!

Fri 18th Sep, 2-3pm Pinnacle People = Workfare Pimps by Brighton Benefits Campaign (BBC) & us. Gather at Lynford Community Centre Hall, 74 Fernhead Road, W9 3EW near junction with Shirland Rd (tube: Queen’s Park).

Fri 18th Sep, 12noon Camden & Islington Unite meeting at Unite, 33-37 Moreland St, EC1V 8BB, tube: Angel.

Sat 19th Sep, 12noon Haringey March for Homes by Haringey Defend Council Housing, People’s Assembly & many more. No cuts or social cleansing! Meet at: Kenneth Robbins House, Northumberland Park N17. 

Sat 19th Sep, 12noon March Against Evictions by Focus E15. At Stratford Park, West Ham Lane E15 4PT https://www.facebook.com/events/463931240434645/

Thurs 24th Sept, 3pm for 3:20pm start-5:30pm: KUWG weekly business meeting in Small Hall at Kingsgate Community Centre, 107 Kingsgate Road, NW6 2JH. Casework help available between about 3:20pm and 4pm and/or 5pm-5:20pm; if you want help with your case, please come prepared with relevant documents such as letters from DWP — that helps more than vague memory of letter contents!
Saturday 26th Sept., SW1: March in Stop Changes to Access to Work campaign. This is supported by both Unite the Union and Disabled People Against Cuts. Click here for Details
Fri 25th Sep, 2-4pm Occupy: A People Yet To Come book launch at ICA, The Mall, tubes: Charing Cross or Green Park http://occupylondon.org.uk/events/book-launch-occupy-a-people-yet-to-come/

Sat 26th Sep, 12noon Access To Work March by Deaf ATW, DPAC & Unite. To help the deaf & disabled back into work, the DWP scraps their Access To Work. Wait, what…? Start from Old Palace Yard, Westminster, SW1P 3JY & march to 10 Downing Street. http://stopchanges2atw.com/march-with-us/  

Sat 26th Sep, TBC East End Against Austerity by health professionals & campaigners in Tower Hamlets. A day of workshops, food & socialising. Claimant groups welcome.

Sat 26th Sep, 7pm 3rd Fuck Parade by Class War. Shoreditch High Street, Braithwaite Street, E1 6AE https://www.facebook.com/events/1688801828009848/
Wed 30th Sep, 6.30pm No Borders, No Nations? Solving Refugee Crisis by ? A panel discussion. https://www.facebook.com/events/698040300332195/

Thurs 1st October, 3pm for 3:20pm start-5:30pm: KUWG weekly business meeting in Small Hall at Kingsgate Community Centre, 107 Kingsgate Road, NW6 2JH. Casework help available between about 3:20pm and 4pm and/or 5pm-5:20pm; if you want help with your case, please come prepared with relevant documents such as letters from DWP — that helps more than vague memory of letter contents!
Sat 3rd October - Wed 7th Oct Festival of Resistance - a counter protest against Tory Party Conference in Manchester. Help stop the infestation. By People’s Assembly:   

Sun 4th Oct National Demonstration by the TUC. Pesky Tories are itching to criminalise trade unions’ right to strike. Let’s show them what they’re missing.

Thurs 8th Oct., 3pm for 3:20pm start-5:30pm: KUWG weekly business meeting in Small Hall at Kingsgate Community Centre, 107 Kingsgate Road, NW6 2JH. Casework help available between about 3:20pm and 4pm and/or 5pm-5:20pm; if you want help with your case, please come prepared with relevant documents such as letters from DWP — that helps more than vague memory of letter contents!

Thurs 15th Oct., 3pm for 3:20pm start-5:30pm: KUWG weekly business meeting in Small Hall at Kingsgate Community Centre, 107 Kingsgate Road, NW6 2JH. Casework help available between about 3:20pm and 4pm and/or 5pm-5:20pm; if you want help with your case, please come prepared with relevant documents such as letters from DWP — that helps more than vague memory of letter contents!
Thurs 22nd Oct., 3pm for 3:20pm start-5:30pm: KUWG weekly business meeting in Small Hall at Kingsgate Community Centre, 107 Kingsgate Road, NW6 2JH. Casework help available between about 3:20pm and 4pm and/or 5pm-5:20pm; if you want help with your case, please come prepared with relevant documents such as letters from DWP — that helps more than vague memory of letter contents!
Thurs 29th Oct., 3pm for 3:20pm start-5:30pm: KUWG weekly business meeting in Small Hall at Kingsgate Community Centre, 107 Kingsgate Road, NW6 2JH. Casework help available between about 3:20pm and 4pm and/or 5pm-5:20pm; if you want help with your case, please come prepared with relevant documents such as letters from DWP — that helps more than vague memory of letter contents!
Thurs 5th Oct., 3pm for 3:20pm start-5:30pm: KUWG weekly business meeting in Small Hall at Kingsgate Community Centre, 107 Kingsgate Road, NW6 2JH. Casework help available between about 3:20pm and 4pm and/or 5pm-5:20pm; if you want help with your case, please come prepared with relevant documents such as letters from DWP — that helps more than vague memory of letter contents!
Thu 5th Nov 6pm The Million Mask March by Anonymous at Trafalgar Square. Work your finest Guy Fawkes attire & roar: Fuck Austerity! Anonymously.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

KUWG Diary, September to October 2015

DEADLINE: Labour Party Ballot Closes on Thu 10th Sep at 12noon, Ballot for Labour Leader, Deputy Leader & London Mayor.(KUWG is non-party-political, but we want to ensure that the political agenda is set more by people who are on our side than against us.)

Mon 7th Sep - Sat 12th Sep, 1am-11pm Stop The Arms Fair by Occupy London. One of world’s biggest Arms Fairs - DSEI comes to London at Excel Centres, 257 New Cross Road, London SE14 5UL (tube: New Cross Gate). http://occupylondon.org.uk/events/stop-the-arms-fair-2015/

Wed 9th Sep, 5.30pm Sports Direct Surprise Demo by Unite at their main store, 150 Oxford Street (tube: Tottenham Court Road or Oxford Street).

Fri 11th Sep, TBC Kill Assisted Dying Bill by DPAC. MPs are expected to vote in favour of random Doctors supplying lethal drugs to terminally ill - without real safeguards. It’s in line with US, where health plans happily pay for suicide drugs instead of chemotherapy: http://dpac.uk.net/2015/07/defeating-the-assisted-dying-bill-why-we-must/

Saturday 12 Sept, Refugees Welcome Here National Day of Action, Called by Stand up to Racism, BARAC, Stop the War Coalition, Migrant Rights Network — More at http://wembleymatters.blogspot.co.uk/2015/09/support-refugees-welcome-here-national.html

Sat 12th Sep, 2.30pm Save BBC at BBC Proms by 38 Degrees: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/events/bbc-proms-in-the-park-hyde-park-london

Sun 13th Sep, 1-3.30pm ‘Kill The Bill’ Rally & Lobby the TUC by Young Socialists, at Brighton Conference Centre.
Fri 18th Sep, 2-3pm Pinnacle People = Workfare Pimps by Brighton Benefits Campaign (BBC) & us. Gather at Lynford Community Centre Hall, 74 Fernhead Road, W9 3EW near junction with Shirland Rd (tube: Queen’s Park).

Fri 18th Sep, 12noon Camden & Islington Unite meeting at Unite, 33-37 Moreland St, EC1V 8BB, tube: Angel.

Sat 19th Sep, 12noon Haringey March for Homes by Haringey Defend Council Housing, People’s Assembly & many more. No cuts or social cleansing! Meet at: Kenneth Robbins House, Northumberland Park N17.

Sat 26th Sep, TBC East End Against Austerity by health professionals & campaigners in Tower Hamlets. A day of workshops, food & socialising. Claimant groups welcome.

Sun 4th - Wed 7th Oct Festival of Resistance - a counter protest against Tory Party Conference in Manchester. By People’s Assembly.

Sun 4th Oct National Demonstration by the TUC. Pesky Tories are itching to criminalise trade unions’ right to strike. Let’s show them what they’re missing.

Sun 4th Oct Tory Party Conference in Manchester. Help stop the infestation.

Thu 5th Nov 6pm The Million Mask March by Anonymous at Trafalgar Square. Work your finest Guy Fawkes attire & roar: Fuck Austerity! Anonymously.

Friday, 4 September 2015

KUWG benefits tourism lealfeting visit to Harlesden Jcp, Monday 7 September 2015, 3pm-4pm