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Thursday, 3 May 2018

Money Saving Expert forum posting warning against 'The People's Postcode Lottery'

As I have seen adverts for 'The People's Postcode Lottery' frequently and wondered who owns it, I just did an Internet search on the matter. So far I've not discovered the answer to theat question, but a Money Saving Expert (MSE) posting about 'People's Postcode Lottery' caught my eye that I believe relevant to this blog and its audience when all the Jobcentre-recommended or directed 'options' turn out to be cues to try anything else.

You can find that  MSE posting at Beware - People's Postcode Lottery!

Yes, I know that Jobcentre Plus slogan 'The Help You Need, When You Need It' is a big con, but there are many more cons out there that are television advertised ad nauseum, if you'll pardon the the accidental pun! And it seems, from one of those responses, that while Advertising Standards Authority may seem like a 'toothless tiger' when it comes to banning dodgy adverts, it can be worth placing "asa" in front of any television advertised product or service you are investigating, as Thomas Heald points out.

Posted by Dude Swheatie of Kwug

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