- gentrification and regeneration in South Kilburn,(1) and
- gentrification, housing and travel commute times(2)
Here is Dude Swheatie of Kwug's now-published comment on the latter:
A recent Camden New Journal lead story: Priced out of Camden, teachers commute by rail... from Folkestone.(3)Nowadays, travel commute expenses are also an issue when it comes to people on 'work for your benefits' sentences being sent from Kilburn to Tottenham and the like.(5)
It can be very instructive to relate the impositions on benefit claimants re travelling distance they are prepared to commit to in daily commutes. Eg, there is this from 2008 when the Labour Employment Minister was actually Tony McNulty:
"John McNulty, a DWP minister responsible for employment, claimed around £60,000 in allowances for a second home in his Harrow constituency, just 11 miles and a 40 minute tube ride away from Westminster. Yet he has recently decided that jobseekers’ allowance claimants should be prepared to travel up to three hours a day (instead of the previous two) to find work. - See more at: http://www.communitycare.co.uk/blogs/social-care-experts-blog/2009/06/dwp-ministers-hypocrisy-over-e/#sthash.7Cvvbsf1.dpuf" — Souce: Community Care article DWP Ministers' hypocrisy over expenses claims(4)
Question: what was it Gary Vaux said in introducing the blog piece DWP Ministers' hypocrisy over expenses claims(4)?
stories about MPs’ expenses have shown some are making the type of
claims that would have benefit claimants in court - See more at:
The stories behind MPs' expenses have shown some are making the type of claims that would have benefit claimants in court.(4)
That was said in 2008. Now it seems, the grounds for benefit claimants being sanctioned into worse penalties than people get with court fines are ever diminishing in proportion to the extended length of the sanction.(6)
Comments on this blog are always welcome but seldom sent. How to leave a comment on a blogspot blogpiece.(7)
(1) http://wembleymatters.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/regeneration-and-gentrification-in.html(2) http://wembleymatters.blogspot.co.uk/2015/05/housing-and-anti-gentrification.html
(3) http://www.camdennewjournal.com/news/2015/apr/priced-out-camden-teachers-commute-rail-folkestone
(4) http://www.communitycare.co.uk/blogs/social-care-experts-blog/2009/06/dwp-ministers-hypocrisy-over-e/
(5) https://uk.search.yahoo.com/search?p=%22travel+expenses%22+workfare&fr=yfp-t-903
(6) http://www.crimeandjustice.org.uk/resources/benefit-sanctions-britains-secret-penal-system
(7) https://support.google.com/blogger/answer/42399?hl=en