Come and celebrate 5 years of Fuel Poverty Action
AGM Thursday 3 November
Brixton Pound Cafe, 77 Atlantic Rd, London SW9 8PU, Brixton tube
Please contact us re wheelchair access (it’s not great but is being worked on)
FPA was started in 2011. We've gone through a lot – and accomplished a lot – since then. We have our eyes on the prize, and with our many allies we intend to make concrete gains this year. We are welcoming new members, and people who want to work with us in other ways.
More than any other time in the past few years, fuel poverty and energy policy are in the headlines.
- Will Theresa May really bring the bills down as she’s promising? What pressure are she and the companies under – and how can we increase it?
- Would her plans dent the increase in deaths from fuel poverty due to government policy – on everything from benefits sanctions to housing?
- How can we support the fight against fracking?
- How can we expose the cost of Hinkley C as opposed to solar, wind and tidal power?
- Why are people in arrears being forced onto Prepayment Meters and then forced to pay more than their better off neighbours – even after the proposed “cap”?
- Why doesn’t London yet have a public energy company as Nottingham and Bristol do?
- District Heating – How can we make sure that those who run it are held to account so that it's win-win for the climate and communities and not a PFI disaster?
What is Fuel Poverty Action doing about all this? What is our role, in a landscape of charities and lobbying organisations?
How are grassroots communities organising for our energy rights?
What is being done in other countries?
How can we speak out and defend ourselves and our environment?
How are grassroots communities organising for our energy rights?
What is being done in other countries?
How can we speak out and defend ourselves and our environment?
Come along and raise your own issues, find out what’s happening, and consider how you might be part of it.
7 pm Business and elections
7.15 Reports, activities, discussion
8.30 Social
7.15 Reports, activities, discussion
8.30 Social
Lovely Brixton Pound café food will be available (for sale)
before the meeting and for the social at the end.
RSVP – Thank you!