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Tuesday, 12 July 2016

As 15 Camden Labour councillors and Keir Starmer MP turn on their party leader, who's pulling their strings?

Exposing the 'dependency culture' of Jeremy Corbyn's right wing opponents within the Parliamentary Labour Party and Camden Council

The Camden New Journal has reported that 15 Camden Labour councillors have called upon Jeremy Corbyn to resign as Labour Party leader, even after he was elected with a substantial majority in 2015 on a 'one member, one vote' basis.(1) (2) 

Those Labour councillors are "Rishi Madlani, Pat Callaghan, Maeve McCormack, Richard Olszewski, Julian Fulbrook, Georgia Gould, Adam Harrison, Abdul Quadir, Abi Wood, Danny Beales, Lady Kelly, Theo Blackwell, Sarah Hayward, Jonathan Simpson and Phil Jones." Kilburn Unemployed Workers Group members of varying political parties and none wonder what those councillors have ever done to support us in the face of 'austerity' government attacks such as 'bedroom tax', 'overall benefit cap', etc.?(3)

Had they stood up to 'social cleansing' of poor people from the borough, they would have been in very good standing with poor people to the point of poor people not really needing to be prompted to support them at council elections. Maybe they are not looking to poor people's votes at all, but to mainstream voters? Maybe they do not mind the abstention or none turnout of poor people at elections, as long as they can get a majority of the electorate to vote for them?

In such circumstances where these and other opponents of Jeremy Corbyn's leadership are out of touch with poor people, they become unduly dependent upon handouts from very wealthy donors such as ex-Camden Labour Councillor, John Mills, who now heads JML Direct, a Kentish Town (within LB Camden) based company the advertising strap line of which is, "making every day easier" [with products made in China].(4) Do the capitalist profit-oriented economics of having products made in China and transported to the UK make every day easier for the Chinese producers of JML Direct products?

Johann Hari has commented:
"Deaths from overwork are so common in Chinese factories that they have a word for it: guolaosi. China Daily estimates that 600,000 people are killed this way every year, mostly making goods for us."(5)
What kind of conditions are producers of JML Direct products working under? Jeremy Corbyn MP is against workforce exploitation, and has an excellent track record on attacking Chinese human rights and trade abuses.(6)

Against such a backdrop, multimillionaire and major Labour donor John Mills declared that Corbyn's leadership would make Labour 'unelectable'.(7) 

Maybe the Labour councillors and MPs who attack Corbyn's 'lack of leadership' are most concerned about the cessation of John Mills' handouts that feed their electioneering? I have heard that Labour in Camden is especially dependent upon the use of JML Direct HQ telephone call centre for their electoral canvassing even. What care they about cheap labour and how their funding is sourced?

Dude Swheatie of Kwug

Link addresses

  1. http://www.camdennewjournal.com/momentum-camden-labour
  2. http://www.camdennewjournal.com/news/2015/sep/corbyn-wins-labour-leadership-contest-nearly-60-cent-vote
  3. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=bedroom+tax+benefit+cap+public+meeting&btnG=Search+Site&domains=http://www.camdennewjournal.com&sitesearch=http://www.camdennewjournal.com&gws_rd=cr,ssl&ei=HbCEV7-jNMT8Uq_UhZAN
  4. http://www.jmldirect.com
  5. http://schott.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/08/18/guolaosi/?_r=0
  6. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3280795/Corbyn-challenge-China-s-strongman-president-Xi-Jinping-human-rights-abuse-private-one-one-talks-today.html
  7. http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/jul/23/jeremy-corbyn-win-could-cause-sdp-style-labour-split-says-donor

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